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Service Industry Websites Engineered To Rank And Convert
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Service Industry Web Design

Brett Singleton
Brett Singleton - Techical SEO Consultant

We specialize in websites for service based businesses.

We give our clients the maximum return on their ROI by providing the fastest downloading and web friendliest sites in the industry.

This gives our clients an edge in the rankings which drives more clients and profits to your business.

Measure Your Site Potential

If you think your site may have underlying issues that prevent it from ranking,
it probably does.

The good news is that you don't have to wonder anymore.
Google's Page Speed Analysis tool will spot any issues on your site quickly.

I'll show you how I use it to rank my sites
and spy on the competition in the video below.

Learn to look through Google's eyes!

Hi, I'm Brett Singleton with Marketing Appliance Repairs, today I'm going to teach you how to use one of the most important tools for web marketing there is.

The Google Page Speed Insights tool.

It is simple to use and only takes a minute, yet it will tell you exactly what you need to do to make your site rank better.

You can also use it to check out your competition.

All you need to do is to paste your web address in the box and click Analyze.

It will take a minute to run and then it will give you a score on how web friendly your site is.

I'm testing the page you're currently on to give you an example.

Marketingappliancerepairs.com scores 100 on mobile and desktop.

This gives me a huge advantage over sites that score poorly.

For example, let's check on one of my competitors.

As you can see, Google gives it a terrible rating when it comes to speed. Let's look at the reasons why.

One of the reasons I'm scoring so much better is that my site is much lighter than my competitors.

You see, websites have a weight in terms of kilobytes, just like a song or video does.

Site weight is also another significant ranking factor. A simple way to find out your site's weight is a free tool from Pingdom. You'll find a link to it below.

My site only weighs 325.3 KB. This is because of the way it's coded.

However, my competitors site weighs in at 5.4 MBs, approximately 5MBs heavier than mine.

Now what does that mean in practical considerations?

Thank goodness I can rely on Google for the math! My competitor's site is 1,661% bigger than mine.

Which means it's going to take 1500% longer to download and display.

It will also consume 1500% more bandwidth and electricity than my site.

Lastly, it means it will take Google 1500% longer to deliver the results of a question if they choose to display my competitor's site instead of mine.

I'll let you in on a secret.

Google doesn't like having to take 1500% longer to deliver an answer just because your site is coded badly. It makes them look bad. That's why they penalize sites that have bloated code.

It's also why many SEO's believe that 31% of your ranking strength comes from site speed.

So go test some sites and explore the results. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I'll answer them.

So What Can I Do For Your Website?

So before I dive into our discussion on Technical SEO and why that is so important for your appliance repair service, let's look at the questions I most often hear.

How To Find A Great Appliance Repair Website

I find it amusing that every page on the web mentions the same thing.
Having a great web site.
Yet, no one mentions how you can determine whether a site is good or not.

We're not talking about the subjective aspects of the site,
how cool or pretty or clever it is,
to you or potential clients.

Those considerations are important, but they should considered only
after you have decided on the correct framework for your site.

Luckily Google's free Page Speed Analysis Tool lets you evaluate quickly any site or platform to see how well it acutally downloads to your visitors device.

How your site performs on mobile phones is one of the most important aspects in it's design since 60% of searched done are from mobile devices.

So important that on my framework I strategically place the "Call" button on the mobile menu to be right under the user's thumb, so that their thumbs natural movement is to activate that call.

Unnecessary phone calls are a big pet peeve for many consumers, especially younger generations. That means when your potential leads seek help, they want all the information they need on one easy-to-navigate site.

Your website should include crucial business details like your service area, your hours of operation, your contact information, and the types of appliance services you offer. However, the most effective websites will also let potential customers digitally reach out to you for questions and appointments.

Many appliance repair business owners do so by embedding a contact form on their homepage, landing pages, and other pages. That way, when a customer submits an inquiry, you quickly receive an alert and can respond via email.

However, if you improve your customer experience even further, you can add a customizable widget to every page to start conversations via text. This communication channel is highly preferred because it's more convenient than email and less intrusive than a call. As the conversation starts, warm leads will be sent straight to your CRM (customer relationship management).

Great appliance repair websites also use best search engine optimization (SEO) practices on each page, like including relevant keywords and making the website mobile-friendly. The more SEO-friendly your site is, the higher it will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) so shoppers visit your website before your competitors' sites.

Starting from scratch, we have several ways to launch your project. You can finance your site launch and pay more for your leads until your site is paid for.

Starting from scratch, we have several ways to launch your project. You can finance your site launch and pay more for your leads until your site is paid for.

If you'd like a more thourough knowledge of SEO and Web marketing, you may want to pre register for my upcoming Mini Course.

Let's cut the BS!

The cornerstone of any science is repeatable results. One of the areas I've seen the biggest improvements in rankings from is Technical SEO.

Brett Singleton
Speed Equals User Experience

Before we build a site, it will be helpful to understand how Google assigns rank to a site. Let's take care of the

Google has over 200 ranking factors. is based on In line with Google's goal to deliver fast, relevant answers to queries, one of the most important ranking factors is download speed? Why? Because site download speed lies at the core of user experience.

They expect for your pages to load in under 3 seconds, after that, they can reliably predict the rate at which potential viewers hit the back button and look else where.

One of the things I most hate about the idea of buying leads is that it puts you in a position where you don't want to turn away work. Why would you turn down leads? The first lesson is that you are not obliged to adopt every headache that crosses your path. Whereas if it's an organic lead, I can afford to pass up the true headache calls.

The cornerstone of any science is repeatable results.

Because I'd already spent a decade in Web Development, it was easy to rank my first site to #1 on Google. I did it in eight weeks, my second one I took a more organic approach to and got it to #1 in 12 weeks.

Before you set out to create a website for appliance repair it might be wise to ask yourself what kind of site has the best chance of ranking well on Google Search?

In line with Google's goal to deliver fast, relevant answers to queries, one of the most important ranking factors is download speed? Why? Because site download speed lies at the core of user experience.

They expect for your pages to load in under 3 seconds, after that, they can reliably predict the rate at which potential viewers hit the back button and look else where.

It's so important Google developed a free Page Speed Insights tool to let you audit your site and see how well it measure's up against their standards.

I've embedded it below so you can quickly test your site, or your competitor's again.

One of the most important, some say up to 31% of your rank is based on how fast your site downloads..My first recommendation for you is that you give your site, or your competitor's, a complete Technical SEO audit. Don't be intimidated. It should take less than a minute and is completely free! Google's

Simply paste your url into the iframe below, I just had the idea that I might be able to embed the tool below with an iframe.

The bad news is you may not like the results.
